
  • Four observations over the past week

     1.   On Friday, I went to my favorite Recreational Park for a workout.    In a field off one of the Perimeter Trails, I noticed 2 deer initially.   Then I stopped and counted what I saw or heard.   There were 13 total deer: 11 deer in the field and 2 calling and running forth and back and scraping their antlers in the adjacent woods.    I am no hunter, but I suspect the 2 in the woods were males battling over the small doe herd in the field. (Is it still rutting season?)   If they were there the next day, then the Game Wardens would have easy pickings for the Wildlife Management Hunt that the County has been holding in that park to cull the deer population.

    2.  That same evening, I was looking through the channels.   Of the religious channels, I usually watch EWTN (a major Catholic network), which is much better than the other religious channels on there such as TBN which caters to Pentacostal Looneyland.    The guest priest in their Mass was one from their right-to-life organizations, and his sermon was a good one on prayer.    However, in the midst of the 2nd part of the Mass ("Liturgy of the Eucharist") when Communion is consecrated and served, I noted that the people ironically sang a Lutheran hymn "Wie Schön Leutchet der Morgenstern".  

    3.   In a discussion with a fellow Protestant Christian this week, the common myth on Catholicsm keeping the Bible from the people arose.    I've heard the same myth propagated in a Reformed Elder's sermon in the past.    Neither proved or substantiated their assertions.  Especially on matters of religion, I am not a "Yes" man.   From reading history, related engineering technologies, and religion; I have strongly been of the position that Catholicism did NOT keep the Bible from the people and that there is no substantial evidence that Catholicism overwhelmingly kept the Bible from the people.  

    4. Today, I went to the Rec Park. As I went along the Perimeter Trail, I saw 5 deer on one soccer field (2 darted in the woods) a little lower than the trail. On another section, there were 10 deer running from a soccer field (about 15 feet higher than the trail), down the steep hill from the field, across the field, and into the woods. In the same field as I mentioned in #2, there were 2 other deer. It seems the Rec Park is a deer haven except on Wildlife Management Hunt days. 

Comments (3)

  • Thanks for your comment.

    One thing I notice about Catholic services is how often psalms are sung. I hardly ever go to a Catholic funeral without hearing a psalm.

    Are you an American or U.K. Covenanter, btw? I am in a Pittsburgh RPC.

    |||||| lynard

  • @lynardlynard - You are indeed welcome.   It is sometimes difficult to explain to someone Christian doctrines or practices (e.g, fellowship) without "Christianese".   Yes, in the Papist Mass, a Psalm is frequently sung ordinarily with organ accompaniment.    In the Washington Basilica, usually the precentor sings the Psalm and the laity, the refrain.  (I love the organ but not in Public Worship.) I am a US Covenanter in the Free Church of Scotland (Continuing) and have friends in the Washington and Raleigh RPC's (of the RPCNA).

  • I love seeing deer. They seem to be such peaceful creatures.

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